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Article About World Peace

World peace is an idea of ​​freedom, peace, and happiness for the whole state and / or nation. World peace across the border through human rights, technology, education, engineering, medicine, diplomats and / or termination of all forms of conflict. Since 1945, the United Nations and the five permanent members of its Security Council, The US, Russia, China, France, and Great Britain work to resolve conflicts without war or a declaration of war.

However, these countries have entered a number of military conflicts since that time. there are some solutions or versions effort must be done to bring peace to the world, among others: Approach Through Cultural (Culture) Through the Social and Economic Approach Through Political Approach and according to religious approaches Is world peace has been realized? Perhaps the question that had crossed our minds.

Some people answer yes and the other does not. Should world peace has been established. Because it is already covered in the first paragraph is opening UUD1945 namely "Behold freedom is the right of every nation and therefore, the occupation over the world should be abolished because it does not correspond to humanity and justice."

Why not in accordance with humanely? The answer is that every human being has its own right that has been owned since birth, and it is permanent, namely the right to life. Thus the rights that must be protected. To keep the peace of the world, will be established institutions such as the UN. Then there is also a meeting a meeting attended by representatives from countries around the world.

Examples such as last July. For the first time Indonesia hosted the peace conference the world. Conference was held in Bali and attended by hundreds of representatives of the state. At that time there was still no world language, so dihadirkanlah language committee. At the conference will also be declared the Feast of Humankind World which can be used as a time to get together to reflect, achieve and maintain world peace.

"If there is ethics then the world will be harmonious. We live only once, must have an ethical civilization," said the President of the World Peace Committee, Djuyoto Suntani. But it seems that world peace is still not fully realized. An example is the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians are not yet finalized. There have been many casualties as a result of this conflict. However, already there was a rumor that the two countries will be at peace.

English country already planning to recognize the independence of Palestine. British Parliament reportedly has a vote to the Palestinians. Hopefully the Israeli-Palestinian peace is really materialized, so that world peace is also manifested.


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Nama : Geti Pratiwi Abriani NPM :12215866 Kelas : 4EA25 Tugas 1: Materi (NPM Genap) Pengertian Pemasaran Pemasaran (marketing ) adalah sebuah proses perencanaan dan pelaksanaan konsepsi, pemberian harga, promosi, dandistribusi ide, barang, dan jasa yang dapat menciptakanpertukaran (penjualan) yang memuaskan tujuan individu danorganisasi. Pemasaran domestik adalah seluruh kegiatan perdagangan yang berlangsung di suatu negara di luar ekspor impor. Pemasaran Domestik juga dapat diartikan Penerapan konsep, prinsip, aktifitas, dan   proses manajemen pemasaran dalam rangka penyaluran ide, barang atau jasa perusahaan kepada konsumen di lingkungan setempat. Pemasaran global adalah proses menfokuskan sumber daya(manusia, uang, asset,fisik) dan tujuan-tujuan dari suatu organisasiuntuk memperoleh kesempatan dan menanggapi ancaman pasar global.Pemasaran global didasarkan pada orientasi geosentris dan berfokus pada pemanfaatan aset, pengalaman, dan produk perusahaan secar

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